Comodo Email Certificates (S/MIME)
Comodo Secure Email Certificates Protect You & Your Contacts Against Phishing, Hackers, & Data Breaches
Email is the most exploited attack vector by a wide margin. 91% of all cyber-attacks start with an email. Yet email remains a critical communications channel with no viable alternative in sight. Securing it is the only option. The first step in any email security plan should be Comodo email certificates (S/MIME certificates). Whether you're a sole proprietor who needs your customers to know an email really came from you, or a massive enterprise trying to tamp down on attempts to impersonate and trick your organization at all levels – email signing certificates assert sender identity and message authenticity. They can even encrypt an email’s contents. Historically, email certificates have been used by only the most security-mature organizations. Comodo CA’s innovations over the past few years have changed that completely. Comodo Email Security (S/MIME) certificates have never been easier to deploy and manage – not to mention so affordable. It really is email security for the masses.
Max. Term
Validation Requirements
Certificate Fields
Email Encryption
Email Signing
Client Authentication
Document Signing
Price From
Comodo Email Certificates Digitally Sign Each Email
Trust is currency on the internet. Identity is a key element of that. When you send an email – or receive one – it's important to know that its sender truly is who they say they are. Signing your emails is the most straightforward way to provide that assurance. When you sign an email – a task that happens automatically, behind the scenes – a digital signature is affixed to it with your certificate's signing key. Leveraging the power of a universally trusted PKI, the recipient’s email client can easily verify the signature’s authenticity and display it prominently for the recipient.

Ensuring Email Authenticity
Digital signing does far more than just assert identity. After all, what good is a signed email if its contents can be altered? When an email is digitally signed, a hash function is carried out alongside it to serve as a check-sum. If any part of the email has been altered or tampered with, the recipient's email client will know immediately and will alert the user that the email has been tampered with. Anytime someone receives your digitally signed email, they'll know it was really from you, and that the message is authentic.
Encrypting Email with Comodo Email Certificates
Sometimes it's important to secure an email beyond just the protection TLS provides at the network level (you do have an SSL certificate on your email server, right?). Email signing certificates can encrypt any or all emails, both in transit and at rest. This not keeps the contents of the email safe from anyone but the recipient with the decryption key, even after sitting on an email server for a year (it's still protected!).
Comodo Email Certificates Sign and Encrypt Documents, Too
Emails aren't the only thing a Comodo Email Signing certificate can sign. Pro and Enterprise Comodo Email Singing certificates can also be used to sign individual documents and files. Assert the identity of the document's author or owner, while also validating its authenticity. Document signing offers another layer of security to critical files, while also serving as an affordable at-rest data encryption option. Note that if you need to sign PDF documents, we recommend our Adobe Approved document signing certificate.
Two-Factor Authentication
Upgrade your defense by adding passwordless and/or multi-factor authentication. Pro and Enterprise Comodo Email Signing certificates can be used for certificate-based user authentication, which is not susceptible to phishing, brute force, or other password attacks.