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Renew A Comodo SSL Certificate

We can walk you through the Comodo SSL renewal process and get you set up with a new SSL certificate

SSL renewal is a fact of life. The maximum lifespan for an SSL certificate is one year (13 months-we'll get into the details later). Renewing your Comodo SSL certificate is relatively easy, it's no different than re-issuing, but it makes sure that your encryption is always up to date and your validation records are still accurate. We'll take care of carrying over any remaining time from your expiring certificate to your new certificate!

Why do I have to renew my Comodo SSL certificate?

SSL certificates expire, at which point they are essentially dead-browsers will no longer recognize them. The reasons for renewing are two-fold:

  • To stay technologically up to date
  • To maintain accurate validation records

Currently, the max lifespan for an SSL certificate is 1 year.

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How do I renew my Comodo SSL Certificate?

Renewal of your Comodo certificate is easy. If you're already a customer, we will send you email notifications. If not, you can check your certificate details by clicking the padlock icon and checking your certificate details. If you're within one month of your expiration date, you can renew. Simply shop for an SSL certificate like you normally would, and we'll handle the rest.

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When do I renew my Comodo SSL certificate?

If your SSL certificate is within 30 days of expiration, then it's time to renew! If you're already one of our customers, you've probably received a notice saying you need to renew your SSL certificate already. If not, no worries-we can still help! Renewing your SSL certificate is fast and easy at ComodoSSLstore!

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Do I keep the same certificate when renewing a Comodo SSL?

You don't have to keep the same SSL certificate when renewing. Maybe you want to upgrade to extended validation. Maybe you need to add functionality like a Wildcard or Multi-Domain. No problem. When you renew SSL, you can replace your expiring certificate with any SSL your heart desires.

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Comodo SSL Certificate Renewal: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens to the time left on my old SSL certificate when I renew?

The time carries over-up to one month. That's why maximum validity is 13 months. This is done to get people to renew earlier. Bad things happen when you wait to renew.

What happens if my SSL certificate expires?

The browsers will stop recognizing it and issue their users an interstitial warning. As a result, you won't be able to run encrypted transactions on your website and ultimately, this could put you out of business. That's why we strongly recommend renewing your certificate well before its expiration date. But if your SSL certificate has expired, here's what you should do.

Do I need to undergo validation again when I renew?

Yes, you will need to complete domain validation again. If you have an OV/EV certificate, Comodo will need to check your business again to ensure that your business is still valid. As long as none of your business details have changed, your validation should be very smooth. In most cases Comodo will be able to utilize the same documents or verification methods they used the last time you got your certificate issued.

Any other advice on renewals?

Yes, don't wait too long to do the renewal for your Comodo SSL certificate. Remember, because of the human element involved; it can still take a day or two to get a renewal issued. If you leave renewal until the 11th hour, you could have a lapse in security.

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