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Comodo CA is now Sectigo

A new name for a fresh start

Comodo CA is now Sectigo. Sec-TEE-go. It's a new name for a fresh start but Sectigo is still the same company that's issued over 100,000,000 digital certificates in over 150 countries around the world. It's still the world's no. 1 commercial certificate authority. Still an industry leader. Nothing has changed about the excellent products and services you've come to expect, it's just going to look a lot better now.


Shop Sectigo Certificates

Since the only thing changing is the brand name (the products are the same ones you know and trust!) you can continue to purchase SSL certificates from or you can head over to our new website, Sectigo Store.

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Capture your Future on the Digital Frontier

Sectigo is forward-looking, always pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation. Sectigo dreams up the security of solutions of tomorrow and empowers businesses with them today. After over 20 years of experience securing websites and encrypting connections, Sectigo is still on the cutting edge.

What's in a Name Change?

In 2017 Francisco Partners acquired Comodo's certificate authority operation. The original Comodo Group still exists in the cybersecurity space offering Security-as-a-Service products and antivirus software, but Comodo CA – which was now a different company – was getting confused with the organization it was split from. That wasn't going to work. So Comodo CA is being reborn as Sectigo. The DNA is still the same, but the company name is brand new. There will be no confusing Sectigo with anyone else.

A perfect web security solution for every site

The beauty of Sectigo's product offerings is that there's going to be at least one that fits your unique use case perfectly. Whether you need a wildcard SSL or a multi-domain certificate to encrypt a complicated domain structure or you just want to slap a DV certificate on a blog, Sectigo has a product and a price point that can check every box.

Sectigo is more than just SSL

Code Signing certificates, SMIME certificates, Hacker Guardian scanners – there's so much more to Sectigo than just SSL certificates. Sectigo is one of the only CAs that still offers individual code signing certificates. In fact, Sectigo helps more individual developers sign their software than any other company in the industry.

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