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Organization Validation SSL Certificates

OV SSL provides strong 256-bit encryption and business identity authentication

An Organization Validation SSL Certificate provides encryption and requires light business authentication. This is a great way to encrypt your website while also providing your customers with some verified business information. Your customers will appreciate both the transparency and your investment in their security.

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What Is an OV SSL Certificate?

Prior to issuance, a company requesting an OV SSL needs to go through some business validation. During this light vetting process, it ensures proper authorization of the actual person requesting this certificate. This is an important control that helps a company adhere to its security policies and procedures to make sure the requestor is actually authorized to request a certificate on behalf of the company. All Comodo OV SSL certificates meet NIST and CA/B Forum industry standards with 256-bit encryption strength and 2048-bit RSA signature keys.

Living up to Industry Standards

Comodo does everything in its power to abide by the industry standards set by NIST and the CA/B Forum. This means providing SSL certificates with the SHA-2 hashing algorithm, 256-bit symmetric encryption and a 2048-bit RSA signature key. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is also available on all Comodo OV SSL certificates. Regardless of what you choose, your encryption will be impenetrable-as in, it would take a supercomputer thousands of years to crack it.

Show Your Customers Who You Are

With an OV SSL certificate, not only will your website meet NIST and CA/B Forum standards, but your customers will also be able to view verified business information in the certificate details window and in your dynamic site seal. This offers assurance as to who is running your website, in turn building trust. And as we all know, trust leads to conversions.

Light Business Authentication

Organization Validation SSL certificates require light business vetting before issuance. Basically, Comodo needs to verify your registration information to ensure that you are indeed a legal entity. This is no problem for any company or organization with public records. Comodo also needs to verify the certificate requestor is authorized to receive a certificate on behalf of the company to reduce the risk of rogue certificate issuance. The validation process typically takes 1-3 business days, but we can speed it up for you if you're in a pinch.

What is the validation process for OV SSL?

The organization validation process includes five steps:

  • Organization Authentication
  • Locality Presence
  • Telephone Verification
  • Domain Verification
  • Final Verification Call

Most of these can be satisfied if your registration records are public. If not, you can also use a Professional Opinion Letter or a Dun & Bradstreet Credit Report to satisfy several of the requirements. Read more about the OV SSL validation process.

What Are the Benefits of Organization Validation SSL?

There are myriad benefits to OV SSL, here are just a few:

  • Strong 256-bit encryption
  • Lists verified business identity information
  • Available in all SSL certificate types
  • East to install
  • Issued in just a few days

What Is the Best Use Case for OV SSL?

We typically suggest it as an option for larger enterprise clients that are securing infrastructures that are not public facing. They offer enough authentication for internal purposes without the costs associated with EV.

Can an Individual Get an OV SSL Certificate?

You can, but it's difficult. You have to jump through several hoops to essentially register yourself as a business. And frankly, if you're going to go through the trouble you'd be better off just getting Extended Validation.

Does Organization Validation SSL Offer Better Encryption Than DV?

No. Encryption across all three validation levels – DV, OV, and EV – is exactly the same. More validation builds more trust, while less authentication means less trust.

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