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How long does it take to get an organization validation SSL certificate issued?

Issuance time for a Comodo OV SSL certificate is between 1-3 business days

If you order an Organization Validation SSL certificate, you can expect it to be issued within 1-3 business days. Depending on how readily available information about your company or organization is, it can be issued in as little as a day. But, we like to tell customers it can take up to three just to hedge our bets. Just be patient, it won't take long.

What happens when you go through Organization Validation

There are five requirements Comodo needs to fulfill before it can issue your SSL certificate. Don't worry, it's nothing too intensive. Here's what Comodo needs to check off the list before issuing your SSL certificate:

For more information on each click the corresponding link.

Why does it take up to three days to issue OV SSL?

During validation, Comodo is going to check your information as it's listed in various government databases and trusted directories. This is a timely process, but it's worthwhile considering you'll be able to provide your customers with verified business information.

What can I do to speed up Organization Validation?

There are a few things you can do to help speed up the validation process:

  1. Make sure all of your company's information is publicly available in your local government's database.
  2. When generating your CSR, be extra careful to avoid any mistakes. Even a typo can delay the validation process.
  3. If it's not already, list your company's phone number publicly in a trusted telephone directory.
  4. Be ready to answer the phone when Comodo calls to verify details or request additional information.

Can you get my OV SSL certificate issued faster?

We'd be happy to try for you. We don't make any guarantees, but we have successfully expedited thousands of SSL certificates. If we can get it done for you, we will. Just contact our Customer Experience Department.

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