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Comodo Code Signing – Adobe AIR

A fast, affordable way to sign scripts and executables in Adobe AIR

A Comodo Code Signing certificate for Adobe AIR provides you with the ability to digitally sign your scrips and executables. This in turn eliminates those annoying browser warnings that are killing your downloads. Adobe AIR is a cross-platform runtime system for developing desktop and mobile apps. This code signing certificate signs perfectly in Adobe AIR. It also helps to assure your customers that your software comes as intended. Simply undergo a light business authentication and this Comodo Code Signing certificate for Adobe AIR will be yours in no time.

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Ensures Software Integrity

Comodo Code Signing certificates for Adobe AIR assure your customers of your software's integrity with the use of hash. A unique hash is produced during the signing process, if your customers' browsers can re-hash the software and produce the same hash then the software is safe. If not, you'll know you have a problem.

Verifies Publisher's Identity

Before Comodo issues a Code Signing certificate for Adobe AIR, it needs to make sure that your organization is a legitimate legal entity. This requires light business authentication. It can take a few days but it's no problem for any company with accurate records.

Prevents Download Warnings

Nothing kills a download like a browser warning. If you've been receiving these, it's because you're not signing your software. So, start. A digital signature tells the browsers who you are and whether you can be trusted.

Signs for Adobe AIR

This Comodo Code Signing certificate for Adobe AIR works flawlessly on the platform, allowing you to secure your software easily and quickly. This certificate can sign all AIR scripts and executables.


Assurance & Authentication

Nothing is more important than trust when it comes to the world of online business. Without it, you're not going to sell, convert-whatever goal you're trying to accomplish. Comodo Code Signing certificates help you to build that trust by ensuring the integrity of your software and assuring your users about your identity. Internet users tend not to trust programs from unknown sources. So, remove all doubts and sign your software with a Comodo Code Signing certificate.

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