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SSL Certificate Installation Service

Sit Back, Relax, and Let Our Experts Install Your New SSL

PLEASE NOTE: This can be changed in the future.
PLEASE NOTE: There is an extra ₹ 40.00 fee for each additional server.
PLEASE NOTE: Select additional servers during scheduling.
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Features & Benefits

  • Available for all SSL certs
  • Most server types supported
  • FREE 24/7 support
  • Flexible scheduling
  • CSR generation included
  • Dedicated SSL specialist

What To Know About Installation Service

Why bother with the technicalities of SSL certificate installation when you can let our experts handle it? Save yourself more time and less frustration— we’ve been generating and installing SSL certificates for years. When you choose to use our streamlined SSL Installation Service, we will manually perform the necessary server-side tasks associated with properly installing your certificate on your web server.

How Does it Work?

If you’re a new to SSL or have better things to do with your time (like focusing on your business), our SSL Installation Service is the perfect option for you.

  1. Enter the pre-purchase details and complete the checkout process.
  2. Navigate to the SSL Installation Service order and click the [Schedule] button.
  3. Schedule a time with our SSL experts and wait for a call or email!

The installation can be performed in three different ways:

  • Send us temporary server credentials* to perform the installation remotely (most popular).
  • Initiate a screen-share session that you control.
  • Schedule a phone call for step-by-step guidance.

*We do not store any credentials that you provide to us. All usernames and passwords will be wiped from our database upon completion of installation. For added security and assurance, we always encourage users to create a temporary username/password to grant us access, then delete it immediately after the service is completed.

What's Included?

  • CSR Generation
  • Domain Verification (when applicable)
  • SSL Certificate Installation
Not Included
  • Traffic Redirection (HTTPS, www, etc.)
  • Any Server or Hosting Related Changes
  • Installing Site Seals or Decal Scripts
  • Changes to website content of any kind

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