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Certificate Transparency is now a requirement for all trusted Certificate Authorities. What that means is that whenever an SSL certificate is issued, the CA must add it to a Certificate Transparency log (usually several). These logs act as an industry safeguard against mis-issuance.
Again, this is now a mandatory industry requirement, so failing to log an SSL certificate renders it essentially unusable because it will trigger browser errors like the your https connection is not private Google Chrome error:
Unfortunately, there’s nothing that the average internet user can do to fix the error, it has to be addressed by the site owner, who needs the CA to re-issue and log the certificate on their behalf. The best you can do is to contact the site owner to make them aware of the issue, along with a link to this page so they know how to fix it.
As we covered, this issue is caused because your site’s SSL certificate wasn’t properly logged when it was issued. You’re going to need to either re-issue (and have logged) the existing certificate or else replace it with an entirely new one.
It’s worth noting that reputable Certificate Authorities (such as Comodo) are unlikely to make this mistake. If your CA issued you an unlogged certificate and your website is now receiving errors, maybe consider switching certificate authorities.
This issue shouldn’t affect certificates issued before transparency logging became a requirement. The mandate was rolled out in a way that allows existing certificates to expire naturally rather than be replaced early.
All Comodo SSL certificates are added to the relevant transparency logs, ensuring that you’ll never get an ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED error. You can save by purchasing a new Comodo SSL certificate direct from us:
Tip: You can typically save a significant amount by buying your SSL certificate direct instead of through your web hosting company. We sell all Comodo SSL certificates at up to 75% off.
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