Encryption helps secure personal data from unwanted eyes - but it's not completely fool proof. Here's a list of the top 5 encryption threats you need to know.
People who’re dealing with SSL/TLS certificates – especially the first timers – come across a lot of terms that sound more like military code words than product features. And this makes their
Is it a good idea to get an SSL certificate for localhost? Well, an SSL/TLS certificate is a good idea for almost anything. So, if you’re thinking of protecting your localhost environment with an SSL/TLS certificate, then you’re definitely thinking in the right direction – whether you’re looking to use localhost for local development or for distribution with a native application. In this article, we will show you how you can protect your localhost with SSL encryption within 5 minutes!
Do you want people to find your ecommerce website? And do you want them to feel comfortable and confident using it to make purchases? Then you need a website security certificate, or what’s known as a website certificate for short. Why? Because it’ll help you to achieve all of these things and more.
If you seek a simple yet profound understanding of SSL certificates, then you've come to the right place. In this post, we'll explain HTTPS and SSL/TLS certificates in language that you can easily understand. That’s why we have “HTTPS and SSL certificates explained” in the title. But before we dive deep into SSL certificates and how they work, let's first have a look at how the world looked before SSL certificates.
If you’re here because you’re wondering “what is an EV certificate?” you’ve come to the right place. Extended validation (EV) SSL certificates are often regarded as the premium tier of SSL certificates — and for good reason.
TLS, SSL, HTTPS. TLS vs SSL. SSL vs HTTPS. Acronym soup. The world of website security acronyms can be almost as annoying as that Deangelo Vickers character from the TV show “The Office” if you’re just getting to know about it. Although Deangelo Vickers will always win this battle, in my opinion, at least we can turn him off and watch something else. But when it comes to the acronyms and lingo of the cyber security industry, there’s no option but to learn suck it up and learn them. So, let’s get started by talking about each and what the difference is between SSL and HTTPS, and where TLS fits in.
If you’re looking for the best EV SSL certificate at the best price, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s jump into EV SSL certificate prices and how you can get the best deal for your needs.
If you’re looking for an EV SSL certificate, congratulations — you’ve chosen the most exclusive, highly verified SSL certificate for your website. It’s a great way to provide your customers with the maximum information possible so they know they can trust your website.
Thanks to Google’s effort to encourage all websites to switch from HTTP to HTTPS, most web traffic is now on HTTPS. As of October 2019, approximately 90% of web browsing is done over HTTPS! If you own a website, you should buy a HTTPS certificate for your website so you can make the switch, too! Here’s what you need to know about how to get a security certificate for your website.
Understanding the difference between OV vs EV SSL is like understanding the difference between two pairs of shoes. While they both essentially serve the same function — both types of x.509 digital certificates help to facilitate encryption and assert identity — they require different levels of effort and have different features. Some shoes are somewhat inexpensive and are made quickly in mass-production environments. Others involve more individual effort, care, and attention.
When choosing between a DV vs EV certificate, how do you know which is the better option? That depends on whom you ask. Domain validation (DV) and extended validation (EV) are two types of SSL certificates that you can buy for your website. Well, we say buy, but you can actually get some DV SSL certificates for free. So, why wouldn’t you just do that? Here’s why: Identity is important.
There are two types of SSL certificates — those that are domain validated (DV) and others that are business validated. And among the business validated certificates, there are two different levels: organization validation (OV) and extended validation (EV). If you want an SSL certificate with your company name, you’re going to need to purchase either an OV or EV SSL certificate because domain validation certificates won’t do the trick. Let’s break down what OV and EV SSL certificates are and how they can help you get SSL with your company name attached to it.
Let’s talk about the differences between domain validation SSL and organization validation SSL. Yeah, it’s one of those “DV vs OV SSL” type of articles. We actually get asked about this quite a bit and, while the names of each are fairly accurate descriptors, we can’t blame you for wanting a little more information.
Nothing in life is truly free. There’s always a catch. SSL certificates are no different. Yes, you can receive a free SSL certificate but it’s going to be extremely limited. That makes the “free SSL vs paid SSL certificate” debate a bit more complicated than it may seem at first.
A CA signed certificate is just another name for a trusted SSL certificate. In fact, the reason the SSL certificate IS trusted is because it’s CA signed. But unlike that proverbial chicken and its proverbial egg, we know which comes first — the signature. So, wobble on across the proverbial street, chicken, while we discuss CA-signed certificates and answer the question, “how do I get one for my website?”
We get asked the following question a lot in this industry: “Can I use one SSL certificate on multiple domains?” No matter what language you speak, no matter what industry you work in, the answer is still the same: Yes, you can use one SSL certificate for multiple domains on the same server.
Do I need an SSL certificate? Yes, if you have a website, it needs an SSL certificate. Every website needs an SSL certificate. Back in Summer 2018, Google decided that HTTPS was the way to go and HTTP was no longer acceptable. That means that as of last July, every website that doesn’t have a valid SSL certificate installed gets an ugly little “Not Secure” indicator to the left of the address bar.
Comodo CA, powered by Sectigo, is a big certificate authority. GoDaddy is a big hosting and web solutions provider. Chances are, if you’re reading an article on how to install a Comodo SSL certificate on GoDaddy, you’re already familiar with both entities. So, without further ado, here's how to install a Comodo SSL certificate on GoDaddy.
The most versatile SSL/TLS certificate available today is the multi-domain wildcard, or what’s known as a wildcard SAN certificate. Not only does it give you the flexibility to encrypt multiple domains — up to a total of 2,000 domains per certificate — but it can also secure any associated first-level sub-domains.
There are various instances in which you may want to change SSL certificate or change SSL certificate providers.
Choosing the correct SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is crucial for all website owners — whether you own a blog or an eCommerce platform.
If you’re here, it’s likely you arrived at a website using Google Chrome and received an error about a Certificate Authority being invalid. This is an issue that needs to be fixed by the website owner or manager. It’s a potentially serious issue that shouldn’t be ignored or bypassed.
Certificate Transparency is now a requirement for all trusted Certificate Authorities. What that means is that whenever an SSL certificate is issued, the CA must add it to a Certificate Transparency log (usually several). These logs act as an industry safeguard against mis-issuance.
If you’re here it’s probably because you’ve received a NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM error while using Google Chrome to visit a website. Unfortunately, this “your connection is not private” error is not something that a user can fix, the problem is the website’s SSL certificate.
The NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID error in the Google Chrome browser is a form of the “Your Connection is not private” error. If you’re seeing this error, it means that there’s a difference between your computer’s time and the validity of the website’s SSL certificate:
When it comes to SSL-related problems the err_ssl_protocol_error is probably the king. From the user side there are plenty of different things that could be causing the ssl connection error message.
Comodo CA offers a range of encryption options for all use cases. Encryption has never been more important than it is right now. The world has never been more focused on its privacy and good data security is a big part of that.
Code Signing Certificates and SSL Certificates are both digital certificates that use public key encryption, but that’s about where the similarities end. The underlying technical difference between a code signing certificate and a ssl certificate is small, but they’re security solutions for very different purposes.
Let’s look at the difference between Comodo Code Signing Certificates and Comodo SSL Certificates.
This change will be live in the Google Chrome release scheduled for July 24th.
Google announced this change in February, so webmasters have known for awhile this was coming – what we haven’t known is how users will react to this change. To get some insight into that question, we ran a Google Consumer Survey of 350 US adults, asking them:
HSTS or HTTP Strict Transport Security is a website security policy sent via HTTP header. It forces a user’s web browser to only make secure connections with a given website. This is important because it eliminates several potential attacks such as cookie hijacking and protocol downgrade attacks.
A lot of people want to know whether you can install multiple SSL certificates on a single domain. The answer is yes. And there are plenty of websites that do. But before you try to install multiple SSL certificates on one domain there are some things you should know first.
Many customers ask us whether their SSL certificate covers both the WWW and non-WWW variations of their domain. Yes, it will. All Comodo SSL certificates secure both the WWW and non-WWW variations of your website. You don't need a separate SSL for www and non www.