How to Secure Multiple IP Addresses with a SAN SSL Certificate

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We often get questions from admins asking, “Can I use a SAN SSL certificate for multiple public IP addresses?” Yes — learn how in this step-by-step guide

A SAN SSL certificate can certainly be used to secure multiple IP addresses (so long as they’re not private or reserved IP addresses). It’s rare, but companies sometimes opt to take this approach. It’s ideal for environments where multiple servers with different IP addresses need to be encrypted.

  • A subject alternative name (SAN) SSL/TLS certificate is a smart and efficient way to secure multiple IP addresses with just one certificate.
  • This type of SSL certificate lets you list several IP addresses and domains, providing strong encryption and making certificate management easier.

This resource will walk you through how to get a SAN SSL certificate for an IP address and answer some frequently asked questions.

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How to Issue a SAN SSL Certificate for an IP Address in 5 Steps

1.      Choose a Certificate Authority (CA)

Select a reputable CA that supports SAN SSL/TLS certificates and allows public IP addresses in the SAN field, such as Comodo or PositiveSSL.  We say this because not all certification authorities issue certificates for IP addresses.

2. Generate Everything Required to Submit a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

A certificate signing request is needed to request the SSL certificate from the CA. We’ve put together a centralized set of resources on how to generate a CSR for different servers (Apache, IIS, AWS, etc.).

The CSR will look something like this:

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Example

Image caption: An example screenshot of a CSR we generated for this article.

Generating a traditional hostname CSR is pretty straightforward. However, generating a CSR to cover one or more IP addresses as SANs differs slightly from the traditional CSR methods.

To generate a CSR that includes one or more IP addresses, you’ll first need to generate a private key and a configuration file. Follow the steps below to create the private key and config file that are used to generate the CSR. This is a user-friendly and manageable approach, especially when dealing with multiple SAN entries.


How to Generate a Private Key on Windows
  • Open Command Prompt.
  • Generate a private key using the following command:
openssl genrsa -out myprivatekey.key 2048  
How to Create a Configuration File on Windows

Create a configuration file (e.g.,my_san_config.cfg) with the following code:

default_bits = 2048
default_md = sha256
distinguished_name = dn
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no

C = Country
ST = State
L = City
O = Organization
OU = Unit
CN = CommonName
keyUsage = keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
subjectAltName = @alt_names 

IP.1 = IPv4 address
IP.2 = IPv4 address


Here’s an example of how that .cfg file looks in Notepad++:


Image caption: A screenshot of our example configuration file in Notepad++.

How to Create the Certificate Signing Request on Windows

Now, it’s time to create the CSR file using the private key and config files you just created. You can create a CSR file with either a .txt or .csr extension. (Go with whatever version your CA specifies.)

Create the CSR specifying the IP addresses in the SAN field:

openssl req -new -key myprivatekey.key -config my_san_config.cfg -out mycsr.csr

You likely won’t see anything in your OpenSSL command line screen telling you the CSR generation process was successful:


Image caption: A demonstration walking through the steps of key and CSR file generation in OpenSSL on Windows 10.

However, if you check your OpenSSL bin folder, you should see the newly generated CSR file sitting there.

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Now, let’s consider what this process would look like for Linux users. The process will be largely the same — the difference between the Windows and Linux commands basically boils down to a difference in syntax.

How to Generate a Private Key on Linux
  • Open a terminal and log in to your server.
  • Generate a private key using the following command:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout myprivatekey.key  

Note: the -nodes command stands for no DES, meaning that the key isn’t secured by a passphrase.

How to Generate a Configuration File on Linux

Create a configuration file (e.g., my_san_config.cnf). Use the same code as the configuration file used for Windows. Refer to the configuration content provided in the Windows section for the details.

How to Create a Certificate Signing Request on Linux

Create the CSR specifying the IP addresses in the SAN field using the following command (below). Again, remember that you can create your CSR as a .txt or .csr file. For this example, we’ll use a .csr file extension:

openssl req -new -key myprivatekey.key -config my_san_config.cfg -out mycsr.csr

You should be able to locate the CSR file in your working directory using the ls command, which shows all of the files you’ve just created. To see a specific file (for example, the .csr), then use an asterisk before the file extension as shown below:

ls *.csr

3. Submit the CSR to the Certificate Authority

Submit the CSR file to your chosen CA through their website or portal. Follow their specific submission instructions for more info. Detailed instructions for this process can be found on’s How to Generate a CSR”support page.

4. Validate Domain/IP Ownership

The CA will require you to prove ownership of the IP addresses listed in the CSR. It does this in accordance with the validation requirements outlined in the industry’s Server Baseline Requirements (BRs) section  

The CA must keep a record of how the IP addresses were validated and which version of the industry’s BRs was used to do it. Follow the CA’s instructions to complete this step.

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5. Receive and Install the SAN SSL Certificate

After validation, the CA will issue the SAN SSL certificate. You will receive files for your certificate and certificate chain, which must be installed on your web server.

On Windows (IIS Manager):

  • Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  • Select your server and double-click “Server Certificates.”
  • Click “Import” and follow the prompts to import the certificate-related files.

To explore the installation process in more detail, including different IIS versions and troubleshooting tips, refer to this detailed resource.

On Linux (Apache):

  • Copy the certificate file to your Apache server.
  • Open the Apache configuration file (usually httpd.conf or apache2.conf, depending on which Linux distribution you use).
  • Add the following lines to the SSL <Virtual Host> block:
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/your_certificate.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/myprivatekey.key
SSLCACertificateChainFile /path/to/ca_bundle.crt
  • Restart your Apache server.

Ensure the paths are correctly set to the certificate files to avoid configuration errors. Detailed guidance can be found in the Apache SSL setup instructions on the page.

The Final Word

Using a SAN SSL certificate for IP addresses is a straightforward way to secure multiple IP addresses. Following the steps outlined above will enhance your network security, save costs, and simplify certificate management. This approach ensures your data is protected and provides a seamless, secure experience for your users.

Would you like to learn more about managing SSL certificates or explore other ways to secure your network? Contact ComodoSSLStore customer support now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a SAN SSL Certificate?

A SAN SSL certificate is a type of SSL certificate that allows you to secure multiple domains or external IP addresses under one certificate. This is particularly useful for businesses with several services or subdomains to protect.

How Do You Cover IP Addresses Using an SSL Certificate?

Typically, you’ll include each IP address as individual SAN field values. However, it’s important to note that you can’t secure wildcards as SAN fields.

Why Should I Use a SAN SSL Certificate for IP Addresses?

Using a SAN SSL certificate for external IP addresses offers several advantages:

  • Cost savings: One certificate can cover multiple IP addresses, reducing the overall cost.
  • Simplified management: Managing a single certificate instead of dozens (or hundreds) of individual certificates for various IP addresses and domains simplifies administrative tasks.
  • Consistent security: Ensures uniform encryption across all specified IP addresses.
  • Reduced risk of downtime: With only one certificate to monitor, the risk of it being “forgotten” and expiring is minimized, ensuring continuous security.