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How to Solve the Code Signing Error ‘No Profile for Team’

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Uh oh. You’ve received an error — something along the lines of “ Code Signing Error: No Profile for Team ” or maybe even “Code Signing Error: No Account for Team.” As you’ve probably seen online, you’re not alone with this issue. But what do either of these messages mean? And how can you address them so you can continue with your software development and publishing tasks?

What “Code Signing Error: No Profile for Team” Means

Code signing is a critical component of software development. Ideally one of the last steps when you sign a piece of software, this process enables you to assert your identity to the end user. It also acts as monitor, notifying users if the software has been tampered with since its signing.

Unfortunately, code signing can be a bit persnickety. Your code signing certificate — or, more specifically, its signing key — can be difficult in the wrong circumstances. Curmudgeonly. Almost as if to say, “hey you kids, get off my lawn.”

Fortunately, we’ve seen it all here. We deal with public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates and code signing all the time, which means we’ve seen just about every code signing error under the sun. That includes the “No Profile for Team” and “No Account for Team” errors.

How to Fix “No Account for Team” or “No Profile for Team” Errors

The profiles used in code signing are tied to permissions to use the key. Before you can sign anything, you’ll need to configure your teams properly and then select the correct one before applying the digital signature.

If you’re getting these code signing errors, that means you didn’t set up your teams correctly. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Create a team that’s associated with your code signing certificate and configure it with permissions for key usage.
  • Select the team you’ve created in both the general settings and build settings.

That should solve your problem. Frankly, neither of these errors are that severe — they just mean you haven’t selected the right teams. This is a minor issue that, as you can see, can be fixed quickly.

As always, if you need some help with code signing — with purchasing a certificate, getting the certificate and key set up, or with the signing process itself — give us a call!

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