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SSL Asterisk in Action: A Look at Wildcard Certificate Examples

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What does a wildcard SSL certificate look like when in use? We’ll examine examples of basic wildcard and multi-domain wildcard certificates

Whether you’re looking to secure a single domain and all of its first-level subdomains or upwards of 250 root domains with its single-level subdomains, there’s a wildcard certificate example that

How to Add a SAN to an SSL Certificate 

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We’ll walk you through how to add a subject alternative name (SAN) entry to a new or existing SSL/TLS multi-domain certificate 

For this article, we’ll assume that you already know what a subject alternative name is. (This way, we can jump straight into discussing the answers for the information you’re looking for.) If you

Where Can I Get a Free Code Signing Certificate?

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Despite how promising the offer of a free code signing certificate (or a code signing certificate free trial) may seem, it is never as good as you think…

Graphic: There's no such thing as a free code signing certificate

As a software developer, you want people to use and trust your software. One way to ensure that may happen is to digitally sign your code and executables. (This helps prevent your software from displaying

What’s the Cheapest Wildcard SSL Certificate (And Where Can I Get It)? 

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How to Set Up Google Cloud KMS for Cloud Code Signing in 4 Steps (2025 Guide)

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Paid vs Free Wildcard SSL Certificates — The Ultimate Comparison (2025)

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Having an SSL certificate is a necessity for customers to feel secure on your site — especially if they’re inputting any data on the site. As more browsers follow Google’s lead in marking all HTTP sites as “not secure,” this is becoming an even more important issue. However, as more companies shift from HTTP to HTTPS, organizations like Let’s Encrypt have made access to free SSL certificates possible in a pursuit of making the web more secure for everyone. This includes free wildcard SSL certificates.

How to Secure Second- & Third-Level Subdomains with Wildcard SSL Certificates

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If you have a website and want to protect your main site + multiple levels of subdomains, this is where wildcard SSL certificates come in handy.

If you’re looking to secure multiple levels of subdomains with a wildcard SSL certificate, you’re in the right place! A wildcard SSL certificate for nested subdomains (e.g., second-level subdomains

How to Secure Multiple IP Addresses with a SAN SSL Certificate

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We often get questions from admins asking, “Can I use a SAN SSL certificate for multiple public IP addresses?” Yes — learn how in this step-by-step guide

A SAN SSL certificate can certainly be used to secure multiple IP addresses (so long as they’re not private or reserved IP addresses). It’s rare, but companies sometimes opt to take this approach.

Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Examples and SSL/TLS Certificate Options

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Do you manage multiple product lines on separate websites with services hosted on unique subdomains? If so, a SAN SSL certificate is what you need.

A SAN SSL/TLS certificate is a flexible solution for businesses with a global online presence or multiple brands. It’s perfect for organizations looking to secure various domains and subdomains on

SAN vs. Wildcard SSL Certificate – What’s the Difference?

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Let’s break down the differences between wildcard and SAN SSL certificates and find out which one might be the ace up your sleeve for website security and functionality. 

At the most basic level, a wildcard SSL/TLS certificate secures virtually unlimited subdomains for a single domain. In contrast, a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate, also called a multi-domain

How to Install an SSL Certificate on Window Server 2025 with IIS 10

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A Step-by-Step Guide to SSL Certificate Installation on Windows Server 2025 with IIS 10: Configuring Secure HTTPS Settings

Secure your website with SSL encryption for enhanced user trust and data protection. This guide outlines the steps to install an SSL certificate on IIS 10, running on Windows Server 2025, ensuring a secure and encrypted connection. Additionally, we’ll show you how to set up HTTP to HTTPS redirects, ensuring secure encrypted connections for all visitors.

How To Install an SSL Certificate on Windows 2025 Apache Server

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A Technical Guide to SSL Certificate Installation on Windows Server 2025 with Apache Server

Are you running an Apache web server on Windows 2025 and need to enable HTTPS? Protect your online presence with a single domain SSL certificate on Apache, operating on Windows Server 2025. We’ll

How to Generate a CSR on Windows Server 2025 with IIS 10

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Generating a CSR in Windows Server 2025 – IIS 10

Securing web servers is essential in today’s digital landscape. Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is the initial step toward obtaining SSL/TLS certificates, vital for encrypted data

How to Install a Wildcard SSL Certificate on Ubuntu 22 Apache Server

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Your Apache Server on Ubuntu 22 with a Wildcard SSL Certificate and Activating Secure HTTPS Connections

Securing your website with an SSL certificate is crucial for data encryption and user trust. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to purchase, generate, and install a Comodo Wildcard

A Look at Single-Domain and Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificates (with Examples) 

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It’s amazing how something so simple as adding an asterisk (*) to your domain can secure your subdomains. Explore these wildcard certificate examples to see what best fits your needs.

A wildcard SSL certificate is a powerful tool that encrypts your primary website and virtually unlimited subdomains. Depending on the type of wildcard certificate you get, it can secure some or virtually

Does a Wildcard SSL Certificate Cover the Root Domain?

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“Does a wildcard certificate work for the root domain?” Yes, all types of wildcard certificates have the capability (just in different ways). Learn how to use a wildcard SSL certificate to cover your primary domain and virtually unlimited first-level subdomains.

A Standard Wildcard Certificate Secures the Root Domain

A wildcard SSL certificate secures a single root domain along with virtually all of its first-level subdomains. You’ll use an asterisk (*) as a placeholder in the SSL certificate’s Common Name (CN)

What Are the Security Risks of Wildcard SSL Certificates?

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The choice of using a wildcard certificate often involves carefully assessing the certificate’s benefits and comparing them to the potential wildcard certificate risks and vulnerabilities they introduce.

Top 5 Encryption Threats You Need To Know

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Encryption helps secure personal data from unwanted eyes - but it's not completely fool proof. Here's a list of the top 5 encryption threats you need to know.

How Secure is HTTPS?

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If 81% of websites on the internet use HTTPS, are 81% of websites safe and secure?

In the past, HTTP was the most prevalent protocol for data exchange on the web. However, HTTP was never intended to transmit private information. Today, HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is

Steps to Install a Windows SSL Certificate on Windows (IIS) Server

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Wondering how to install a Windows SSL certificate on your Windows (IIS) server? Well, you’ve landed at the right place at the right time. In this post, we will talk about how you can install an SSL certificate on a Windows server (IIS) – whether it's IIS version 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, or 10.

MySQL Backup Database: How to Backup MySQL Database in Linux and Windows

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People running around, someone screaming in disbelief, people gathering at one computer… if you see these scenes inside a company’s IT department, then you’re likely witnessing the reaction to an unexpected data loss from the server. As any website administrator will say “you don’t want to be a part of that!” That’s why taking regular MySQL backups is the simplest, yet the most effective way you can save yourself from being part of a similar scene of chaos. This article will guide you on how to take backups in Linux as well as in Windows aka the MySQL backup database process. Let’s get going!

How to Implement a MySQL Backup Restore in a Few Clicks

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If you witness scenes like this in your IT department, then two scenarios are highly likely: either there’s a security breach or data has vanished from the web server. Almost every website administrator has experienced both situations. The latter is sometimes more painful because the website admin could have most likely done something about it. But they didn’t, and that results in painful regret. You never want to be in that position, do you? Of course not, and that's why you're here.

What is a PEM Certificate File & How Do I Create a PEM File?

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After years of push by the browser and security communities, ordinary website owners have finally realized the importance of an SSL/TLS certificate. As a result, most website owners get an SSL certificate as soon as they build their website. But many are new to this territory, and could get hung up on some of the complexities of the cybersecurity world. One of those complexities could be the PEM certificate file. Therefore, in this post, we’ll be discussing what a PEM certificate file is and how you can create one.

PhpMyAdmin Backup Database: How to Backup & Restore It in a Few Simple Steps

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Ask any website administrator about their worst nightmare (as far as work is concerned), and all of them would say that it’s losing their whole database. And the irony is that every website admin has experienced it at least once in their professional life. This could’ve happened due to a cyber-attack, while doing local development or while migrating hosts. Whichever way it happened, the thought of it is terrifying to say the least. And that’s why automatic backup has become a regular practice in many organizations. In this post, we’re going to outline the simple steps to backup and/or restore your MySQL Database using phpMyAdmin.

What is PCI Certification & How Can It Help My E-Commerce Business?

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If you came here looking for "PCI certification," then let us tell you that such a thing doesn't exist. Confused? Well, you should be. But relax, as not everything you've heard or known about PCI is incorrect. There is an important thing called "PCI compliance" you should know about! In this article, we'll be talking about PCI compliance, whether you need to follow it, and how it can help your business. And we’ll be using the word “PCI certification” throughout the rest of the article for the ease of your understanding. But before we do that, let’s first time-travel a bit.

The Lowdown on the Web Server Certificate

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What springs to mind when you hear the word "web server certificate?" The people who're miles away from the nerdy stuff could think that it's some kind of a certificate for a web server. A certificate for a web server? It doesn't make any sense, does it? Well, that's the thing about these terms. They sound sweet and straightforward on the surface but mean something totally different when we peel the layers back. “Web server SSL certificate” is one such term.

What Is a Signing Certificate, and How Does It Work?

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SSL Certificate, code signing certificate, email security certificate, document signing certificate… the world of internet security is filled with all kinds of certificates, and it's quite obvious you can get yourself confused with so many of them out there. But don't you worry as we've got it covered for you. By the end of this article, you'll have the answer to your "what is a signing certificate?" question. And the best part is that you don't need to be a oh so experienced to understand it. So, let's get started!

4 Simple Steps to Install a Fortigate SSL Certificate

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If you’re using a Fortigate firewall and you want to install a Fortigate SSL certificate, then you’re definitely on the right track. That’s because having a firewall isn’t enough these days, thanks to the rising number of security threats. Installing an CA-certified SSL certificate on your Fortigate firewall will help you on three fronts –authentication, encryption and data integrity.

Revealed: The Most Trusted SSL Certificates for 2025

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It's 2020, and today, SSL certificates are more relevant than ever! Whether you're looking for user trust, business credibility, SEO benefit, or merely an encrypted connection, an SSL/TLS certificate has become a matter of no compromise for website owners. But one question becomes quite pertinent (sometimes irritating as well) when you're building a website: "How to find trusted SSL certificates in 2020?" Well, we understand your confusion. That's why we've come up with a list of SSL certificates that you can trust.

What Is a Shared SSL Certificate and How Does it Differ from Dedicated SSL?

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In this post, we'll mainly talk about shared SSL certificates, how they differ from dedicated/private SSL certificates, and which one is right for you. Before we dive into all of that, let's first understand what a shared SSL/TLS certificate is.

Two Simple Steps to Back Up All MySQL Databases at One Time

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Do you know anyone who’s very paranoid about losing all the data in their phone or computer? If so, that person is most likely a website administrator. No community in the world is as obsessed with backing up the data as website admins. We might curse them or make fun of them, but their obsession is justified. All website admins have lost their data at least once in their lifetime and that time is no less than a nightmare for them. That’s why backing up the server data ranks highest as far as the priority tasks for a website admin are concerned.

Explained: What Is a SHA256 SSL Certificate?

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Understanding SHA256 SSL certificates isn’t as complicated as you think

People who’re dealing with SSL/TLS certificates – especially the first timers – come across a lot of terms that sound more like military code words than product features. And this makes their

What Is an Exchange SSL Certificate?

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Everything you need to know about Exchange SSL certificates…

What is an Exchange SSL certificate? How do they work? What’s the best SSL certificate for Exchange server? How can I get an Exchange SSL certificate? If you ever wondered about one or more

SSL Certificate for Localhost — Is It Possible?

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Is it a good idea to get an SSL certificate for localhost? Well, an SSL/TLS certificate is a good idea for almost anything. So, if you’re thinking of protecting your localhost environment with an SSL/TLS certificate, then you’re definitely thinking in the right direction – whether you’re looking to use localhost for local development or for distribution with a native application. In this article, we will show you how you can protect your localhost with SSL encryption within 5 minutes!

Free Email Certificate – Can You Get One?

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Java Security Certificate — 6 Things You Need to Understand Before Purchasing One

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When it comes to a Java security certificate, ignorance can be cruel

What do people mean when they mention the term “Java security certificate?” Do they mean an SSL certificate, or is there something else they’re trying to convey? How does an SSL certificate work

How to Create a MySQL Auto Backup on Your Windows Server

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Losing all your data is the biggest nightmare any website administrator can face, even more so than facing a cyber-attack! It is not only a disaster from the security point of view, but it could ruin the very foundation of a business. That’s why, taking regular backups is one of the most important tasks on an administrator’s job task list. Many DBMSs (database management systems) offer easy tools that help admins take backups quite easily. However, some DBMSs, such as MySQL, don’t offer that convenience and that’s why you have to set up MySQL auto backups or MySQL scheduled backups.

Explained: What Is a Java SSL Certificate?

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Is there such a thing as a Java SSL certificate? Let’s find out…

If you’re a Java developer, the data security in your application must be of the highest  matter of concern to you

MySQL Backup Script for Quick MySQL Backup in Linux/Windows

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With weird clothes and geeky spectacles, website administrators look like different animals compared to us. And in many ways, they are. But there’s one thing in common between us and them, and that’s the constant fear of losing all your data and information. Just like we’re afraid of losing all our data from our devices, website administrators are afraid of losing all the data from their web servers. This fear rises with each upload and change made to the data structure. That’s why, backing up data regularly has become a routine for many. If you’re a website administrator, this article will give you MySQL backup script for quick MySQL backup in Linux as well as in Windows. With this script, you won’t need to download any MySQL backup tool.

What is SSL Certificate Encryption Strength? Which Cert Should I Choose?

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“What does SSL certificate encryption strength mean?” In this post, we'll break down what “SSL encryption strength” means and help you learn how to make an informed decision about the best SSL certificate for your website security. But, before we dive into SSL/HTTPS encryption strength, let's first understand how SSL encryption works.

IoT SSL Certificates for Connected Device Security – All You Need to Know

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We'll actually break down what an IoT device certificate is, what it does, and why people commonly refer to it (mistakenly) as an IoT SSL certificate. But before we dive into that, let’s understand why IoT security is essential.

Why Do I Need an Email Digital Certificate?

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We’ll talk about email digital certificates in this post — but, first, we have a question for you: Do you know why do sharks migrate to another place? Yes, you guessed it correctly — because they’re in search of new prey. Now remember this fact for later — you’re going to need it.

What Is a Website Security Certificate and Why Do I Need One?

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Do you want people to find your ecommerce website? And do you want them to feel comfortable and confident using it to make purchases? Then you need a website security certificate, or what’s known as a website certificate for short. Why? Because it’ll help you to achieve all of these things and more.

How to Solve the ‘Certificate Not Secure’ Error in Email on Android

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Are you facing the dreaded ‘certificate not secure’ email error on your Android device? Are you frustrated that your email data isn’t as secure as you’d like? If the answer to the first question is yes, answer of the second question is obviously a yes as well. Well, we understand your frustration and that’s the reason why we’re actually creating this post.

What Is an RSA Algorithm in Cryptography?

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“What is RSA encryption?” and “What is an RSA algorithm?” These are two of the first questions someone who hasn’t dealt with SSL/TLS certificates before asks when they come across the term “RSA.” RSA is a term quite commonly used when it comes to cryptography. RSA is a modern cryptographic algorithm that encrypts and decrypts data. It was invented by mathematicians named Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (hence where the name “RSA” was derived) in year 1978.

SSL Certificate Authority — What You Should Know About SSL Authority Organizations

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If you’re trying to understand what an SSL certificate authority is, let’s consider a few analogies: If public key infrastructure (PKI) was a tree, certificate authority (CA) would be its trunk; if it was a car, CA would be its chassis; if it was a chair, CA would be its sturdy frame. Well, we’re getting too much off track, but you get the point, right?

An X509 Certificate — All You Need to Know About X.509 Security

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What exactly is an X.509 certificate? Here’s the answer

In cryptography, X.509 is a standard format for public key certificates. A digital certificate that uses the SSL X.509 standard is regarded as an “X.509 certificate,” although you sometimes may

HTTPS & SSL Certificates Explained: Website Security 101

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If you seek a simple yet profound understanding of SSL certificates, then you've come to the right place. In this post, we'll explain HTTPS and SSL/TLS certificates in language that you can easily understand. That’s why we have “HTTPS and SSL certificates explained” in the title. But before we dive deep into SSL certificates and how they work, let's first have a look at how the world looked before SSL certificates.

Do I Need a Dedicated IP for SSL?

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Two very common questions people ask us are “do I need a dedicated IP for SSL?” and “Is SSL without a dedicated IP possible?” Both related questions are understandable because SSL/TLS certificates as a concept can be pretty confusing thing to deal with at times — especially if you’re coming across it for the first time. And that’s why we’re here — to help you make sense of topics relating to SSL.

MacOS Codesign: How Do I Sign a File with a Code Signing Certificate in MacOS?

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Whether you’re here because you’re looking for a “macOS codesign” solution or another variation of the statement, we’ve got you covered. If you’re thinking of signing your file or software using a certificate authority in macOS, you’re definitely thinking in the right direction. A code signing certificate is a great way to protect software from being compromised and provides assurance to users that the software/app they’re about to install is from you and is genuine. Because it asserts your company’s name and signature, the code signing process establishes an element of trust in a user’s mind. And, as a result, enhances reputation of your company.